Dan Rounds, web developer

Dan, himself
JavaScript, React, Redux, Node, jQuery, MongoDB, JWT, HTML5, CSS, Responsive design, Front-end, Back-end, Webapps, Python

My story

I started teaching myself programming a few years ago. I started by building a compiler in Python. That was... huge. Ever since, I've been wanting to break into the industry. I switched to Linux, because knowing your production environment is important. I tried (and try) to figure out how computers works—top-to-bottom.

Now, I want to get paid to figure out how everything works... and to make things work. Thinkful's helping.

Who'm I?

I like music, coffee, cooking, reading, and lifting things, ... my bike, and, of course, coding. My BA's in music; I do web development—mostly full-stack JavaScript, lately. I also like playing with Python and C.

I like code that's maintainable, readable, and well-tested. And, of course, code should work.


Full-stack JS—React/Redux, Node / Express / Mongo

Ear-training app. Hear a key and then a chord, and learn music theory..

What's That Chord Doing, app view

Node / Express / MongoDB back-end, with jQuery

Journaling/note-taking program. Automatically categorizes your entries, via Natural Language Processing..

JourNLP, app view

AJAX, via jQuery

Front end app, which scrapes recipes and cooking videos for your um... consumption.

2ManyRecipes, app view


Does your company need a web developer? Have an app idea you want help with? Need a problem solved?

Let me know!

e-mail | GitHub | LinkedIn